The establishment of Landmark University represents a major milestone in Nigeria's educational history. Founded by World Mission Agency, which is an arm of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, her quest is to become a leading world class University. As an apex educational institution, it is focused on attaining new frontiers in driving an Agricultural Revolution for Africa in teaching, learning, research, and community service by promoting a lasting culture of excellence towards restoring the dignity of the black race. In pursuit of the goal of building a strong research foundation, it seeks to employ research-active academics either as sabbatical staff or on regular appointment from all over the world. The campus is IT – driven, which empowers every focused academic towards achieving the academic goals of faculty and that of the University.
College of Agricultural Sciences (CAS)
a. Food Science and Nutrition
Areas of Specialization:
Vacancies exist for post of Professor and Associate Professor.
b. Crop Science
Areas of Specialization: General Agronomy, Horticulture, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Crop Protection (Plant Pathology), Crop Protection (Agricultural Entomology).
Vacancies exist for post of Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
c. Soil science
Areas of Specialization: Pedology, Soil Physics, Soil and Water Management, Soil Chemistry.
Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
d. Agricultural Extension & Rural Dev. (M.Sc.)
Areas of Specialization: Planning and Evaluation, Agricultural Communication and ICT, Rural Sociology, Home Economics, Agricultural Administration. Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
e. Agricultural Economics
Areas of Specialization: Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Finance, Agricultural Marketing, Econometric, Farm Management and Production.
Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
f. Aquaculture & Fisheries
Areas of Specialization:
Vacancies exist for post of Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
College of Engineering
a. Agricultural and Bio-Systems EngineeringAreas of Specialization: Food Engineering, Soil and Water Engineering, Structure and Environmental Control Engineering, Process or Post Harvest Systems Engineering, Farm Power and Machinery Engineering, Wood Product Processing and Forestry Engineering, Aquaculture Engineering.
Vacancies exist for post of Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
b. Civil Engineering
Areas of Specialization:
Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
c. Chemical Engineering
Areas of Specialization:
Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
d. Electrical & Information Engineering
Areas of Specialization:
Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
e. Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Specialization: Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
College of Pure and Applied Sciences
a. Industrial Chemistry
Areas of Specialization: Environmental and Analytical Chemistry, Organic/Medicinal Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry.
Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
d. Microbiology
Areas of Specialization: Microbial Ecology, Industrial Microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, Protozoology.
Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
e. Computer Science
Areas of Specialization: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Engineering, Computer Information System (CIS), Computer graphics, Computer Networks, Data base Systems, Management Information System (MIS),Telecommunication Engineering. Vacancies exist for post of Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
f. Applied Biology & Biotechnology
Areas of Specialization:
Vacancies exist for post of Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
College of Business & Social Sciences (CBS)
a. Economics Areas of Specialization: Any area of Economics.
Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
b. AccountingAreas of Specialization: Any area of Accounting.
Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
c. Banking and FinanceAreas of Specialization: Any area of Banking and Finance. Vacancies exist for post of Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
d. Business Administration
• Masters in Business Administration (M.Sc.)
• Management
• Entrepreneur
• Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Areas of Specialization: Any area of Business Administration/Management. Vacancies exist for post of Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer I (with Ph.D.).
In all cases, candidates are required to possess appropriate skills and orientations for respective discipline as well as possess teaching abilities with adequate research experience.
- Professor: Ph.D. degree with specialization in the discipline applied for with evidence of academic leadership in terms of publications, project design execution and monitoring, administrative leadership etc, at least 12 years of post-qualification, full time relevant teaching and research experience. Researches with Professors who meet prescribed internationally recognized contributions are moved to Research Scholar scale which offers internationally competitive remuneration to such grade of academics.
- Associate Professor (Reader): Same as for Professor but with at least 10 years post –qualification, full time, relevant teaching and research experience.
- Senior Lecturer: Same as for Professor but with at least 7 years of post-qualification, full time, relevant teaching and research experience.
- Lecturer I: Ph.D. degree from a reputable university, with at least 3 years of post -qualification teaching experience, and evidence of scholarly publications.
Remuneration and other Conditions of Service
Our total package is aimed at motivating faculty to being their best. The university is determined to offer all her employees, a globally-competitive, career-fulfilling package. This package is offered on two platforms: salary and non-salary package as indicated below.
Landmark University Academic Salary Structure (LUASS) - AnnualLecturer II without a Ph.D (LUASS 08) = 1,863,945 – 2,236,983
Lecturer II with a Ph.D. (LUASS 08A) = 2,023,820 - 2,396,855
Lecturer I without a Ph.D. (LUASS 10) = 2,350,394 - 3,032,931
Lecturer I (with Ph.D) (LUASS 10A) = 2,606,346 - 3,288,890
Senior Lecturer (LUASS 12) = 3,621,844 – 4,777,836
Associate Professor (LUASS 13) = 4,413,343 – 5,810,616
Professor (LUASS 14) = 5,596,571 – 6,983,566
The University in addition provides the following conditions of service:
An Encompassing and empowering (Physical, moral and spiritual) environment that allow focus and concentration;
Maintenance of stable Academic calendar. Well-stocked Library with current publications (books, journals and multimedia center); State of the art Laboratories, Workshops and specialized Facilities; Full internet service
Sponsorship of international and local conferences: Research and Development Grants: Support for continuous academic and professional development;
Openness to international collaborations with other institutions; 24 hour electricity and water supply;
24 hours campus security and intelligence crew; Residential arrangement for both staff and students etc.
Method of Application:Interested candidates for the positions advertised should submit:
Ten (10) copies of your application and detailed curriculum vitae (stating your names; dates of birth; state of origin/nationality and marital status etc.
Section (a) Personal Data
- Name (surname first)
- Date of birth
- Town
- Local Government Area
- State of origin
- Nationality
- Marital status
- Religion
- Number of children
- Contact address
- Residential address
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
- Present position
- Current salary
- Post applied for
Section (b) Educational History
- Institutions attended with dates
- Academic and professional qualifications
- Teaching experience
- Academic rank held
- Academic position held
- Courses taught
- Honors, scholarship, fellowships and prizes/awards
- Statement of personal research focus
- Institutional academic development plan
- Publication and journals (international/local)
- Contribution to book (international/local)
- Manuscript submitted for publication
- Unpublished conferences/workshop paper and public lectures
- Conferences attended
- B.Sc/M.Sc/Ph.D supervision
- Academic linkages
- Membership or learning societies and professional bodies Names and addresses of three
- (3) Referees (at least one of whom must, where appropriate, be the Head of the applicant’s current place of employment); and 2 of 3 referees should make specific statements on the competence base of the candidate’s research and academic pedigree.
- Three (3) set of credentials.
Applications should be submitted within 3 weeks of this publication either directly to the Registrar’s Office or by postage in a sealed envelope indicating “Vacancies for Academic Staff” at the top left corner of the envelop. Please note that former applicants need to update their application in line with the above. In addition, visit to complete application form.
The sealed envelope should be sent to:
The Registrar
Landmark University,
P.M.B 1001, Omu Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria.
Oyinloye Adefunke Fola (MCIPM, MNIM)