JOURNAL: Petroleum and Coal


AUTHOR: Dr. Fakinle B. S.

What is it about?

Due to population growth the demand for electricity has been on the increase. In order to meet up with this demand, the use of thermal plant has been a major source of energy. Emissions from thermal plant as a result of fuel combustion do have deleterious effect on the ambient environment, hence causing Global warming or Climate Change. In this study the emission impact of Greenhouse gases (presented as carbon dioxide equivalent) of a proposed and existing power plant of Egbin thermal plant were investigated for different scenarios of fuel utilization.

Why is it important?

This is to account for the impact of anthropogenic activities on climate change. The power plant as a source of energy is one of major sources of greenhouse gases with global warming potential. The use of Natural Gas as power plant fuel over Low Pour Fuel Oil will reduce the impact of power plant emissions on climate change.

Perspectives- How have you benefited from the research?
The benefit goes beyond an individual when you look at the drive to reduce the emission of Greenhouse Gases which causes global warming. For regulatory bodies, this will guide them on control measures based on emission inventory obtained from the thermal plant. It also help in carbon accounting of the emission from the thermal plant.

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission profiles of a thermal plant were investigated for different scenarios of fuel utilization. The scenarios were the proposed plant using natural gas only and the existing plant with a mix of low pour fuel oil (LPFO) and natural gas (NG). Emission inventory approach was adopted to quantify annual levels of three key GHGs while global warming potentials were used to determine the carbon dioxide equivalent of the GHGs. Results showed that the existing plant with a mix of LPFO and NG had total carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2 eq) of 13330961.8 while the proposed plant had 10296349.7 (tCO2 eq). The discontinuation of LPFO was observed to reduce GHGs emission profile by 22.8%. Given, the desire to reduce GHG emissions and its negative impacts globally, scenario 2 is seen as the preferred alternative.

Article DOI:

Article URL: http://www.vurup.sk/na_stiahnutie/impact-of-power-plant-greenhouse-gases-emissions-in-an-urban-environment

Article LMU Repository Link: http://eprints.lmu.edu.ng/id/eprint/1671

Lead Author Researchgate Link: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bamidele_Fakinle

Lead Author Scopus Link: https://http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55848643400

Lead Author Linkedln Link: http://www.linkedin.com/in/engr-dr-bamidele-fakinle-12015144

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