Story of the week
Landmark University, being a full boarding institution ensures that conducive, comfortable and academic activity engendering accommodation provision is made available for all the students; on the University Campus.
The University believes that creating a happy and relaxed atmosphere is germane for every student’s successful stay on campus.
Currently, there are 6 Residential Halls comprising of 3 Halls each for each sex, and accommodating about 3000 students. Additional structures are presently being erected to accommodate the projected increase in students’ population over the coming years.
Administrative oversight functions in the Halls of Residence are provided by Administrative Officers who hold relevant First Degrees or equivalent qualifications in various fields. Each Hall has two Administrative Officers, working in shifts to ensure that the in-loco parentis role status of the University is pursued and preserved. They are assisted by Administrative Assistants.
Leadership’s belief in the students’ Royalty status has brought about the one-man, one-bed space philosophy, which strongly discourages squatting, as well as swapping of bed spaces.
The gender-sensitive Hall Allocation Policy which is also targeted at fostering academic excellence takes cognizance of students’ Course and Year of study when pairing them up in rooms. In addition, students are paired with the intention of having them mentor and influence one another, positively.
Students with peculiar health challenges are allocated to rooms on the ground floors of the Halls of Residence, for easy exit from the Halls of Residence in the case of any emergency, as well as to ease them of the stress of climbing the stairs.
Within the Halls of Residence are ancillary spaces which are housing butteries, barbers’ and hair dressing salons, cobblers’ workshop, tailoring shops, boutiques, laundries etc.; to meet such related needs of the students in the comfort of their Residential Halls.
In all the Residential Halls are well-furnished students’ Common Rooms, in consonance with the University’s desire to make the campus, “home away from home”; where students can relax, watch educative and entertaining, but Core Value compliant television programmes.
Facility Maintenance offices are also allocated within the Halls of Residence to spontaneously tackle structural challenges and other similar issues, as they arise within the Halls of Residence.
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Story of the week