In a bid to strenghten the existing relationship between the police and the University most especially on the maintenance of peace and order in the Omu-Aran community and its environs, the University Management led by the Ag. Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charity Aremu on Friday, 5th November 2021 received the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of Omu-Aran Police Division, SP Jeremiah Adamu who was newly deployed to the town. 

While welcoming the DPO to Landmark University, the Ag. Vice-Chancellor stated that the police and the university are both partners in the promotion of community peace and order. She praised the police force for their unwavering dedication to their duties, stating that their presence in the community has contributed significantly to the reduction of vices that may have been carried out by miscreants. She urged the police to beef up their security measures to ensure that there is no breach of security in the community, citing its vital location on the border of Kogi and Ekiti states. She assured the force of the university’s continued collaboration towards fulfilling its mandate in the community.

The Registrar, Miss Fola Oyinloye had previously emphasized the value of partnership, noting the smooth interaction between the two institutions for advancing peace in the community and its environs. She joined the Ag. Vice-Chancellor in thanking the force for their continuing support of the University and its members.

The DPO, Jeremiah Adamu said he heard about the good relationship existing between the division and the University and he has visited the university to build on it. He disclosed that the police cannot work without the community. He emphasized the importance of information to their successful operation and solicited the University’s support in this regard. He also advised the University to be conscious of and sensitive to strangers entering into the academic community, especially people using the numerous facilities within the campus such as the guest house, banks and ATMs among others. He had also assured the University of a smooth relationship during his stay as DPO. 

During the discussion, the University's Director of Finance, Mr Christopher Fatiregun, proposed that the force work with the appropriate authorities to clear all roadside shrubs that may serve as hideouts for criminals.

Mr Olugbenga Olajide, Head of Corporate and Public Affairs, stated that the division should make itself visible and accessible to the community in order to encourage information exchange and peaceful cohabitation.

Dr Rotimi Ibikunle, Chair of the University's Security Committee, praised the DPO for his honesty and sense of responsibility in carrying out his duties. 




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