As Landmark University continues to spearhead initiatives aimed at advancing the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the 2nd IEEE Conference held from 2nd to 4th April 2024 at the University fulfilled its purpose of providing a platform for researchers, professionals, and academicians to present their latest research findings, exchange ideas, and network with peers. 

The highlight of the conference was the keynote address delivered by Professor Oludayo Olugbara from the Durban University of Technology, South Africa during the opening event on 2nd April 2024 at the Landmark University’s International Conference Centre. Professor Olugbara's insightful presentation titled "Driving Sustainable Development Goals through Novel Teaching Paradigm" captivated the audience as he introduced an innovative teaching methodology called “Engineering Project-In-Practice” (EPIP) for a transformative education towards achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). This innovative teaching paradigm aims to revolutionize traditional education by integrating practical application with theoretical knowledge, fostering a holistic learning experience for students. 

In his address, Professor Olugbara not only underscored the urgent need for educational reform to address pressing societal challenges but also the power of education in driving positive change and shaping a more prosperous future for all. He emphasized the role of universities in nurturing individuals equipped not only for employment but also for community development and problem-solving. Through EPIP, he advocated for a shift towards practical, project-based learning, emphasizing the importance of hands-on experience in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. "At the core of our educational philosophy is the belief that addressing root causes of societal issues leads to sustainable solutions," remarked Professor Olugbara. "By empowering students with practical skills and instilling an entrepreneurial mindset, we equip them to tackle challenges head-on and drive positive change."

The EPIP approach champions a dynamic learning environment where students actively participate in project-based learning, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Emphasizing the importance of hands-on experience, Professor Olugbara advocated for a curriculum shift towards a 30% theory, 70% practical ratio.

During the conference's opening ceremony, Landmark University's Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kolawole Ajanaku, underscored the institution's commitment to fostering collaboration and addressing societal challenges. He lauded the visionary leadership of the Chancellor, Dr. David Oyedepo, and the Pro-Chancellor, Pastor (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo, in advancing the university's vision by their unwavering support and enduring commitment to creating a world-class education institution. He, therefore, expressed confidence in the outcome of the conference to be one that would address the hydra-headed socioeconomic challenges through a multidisciplinary approach harnesses from the strength of science, engineering and business to drive the frontiers of the 17 SDGs.

Also, the chair of the Conference Organising Committee, Professor Ayodele Adebiyi highlighted the priceless benefits of the SDGs to human existence and called for concerted efforts towards the attainment of the SDGs. He stated that researchers play a strong role in the attainment of the SDGs and expressed optimism that the research opportunities and solutions that would emanate from the 2nd edition of the Landmark University IEEE conference would contribute significantly to global sustainability efforts to accelerate the attainment of the goals.

The 2nd IEEE Conference attracted participants from across Nigeria and several other countries, including South Africa, Indonesia, China, the USA, and India with over 500 scholarly articles presented for publication and indexing in Scopus, highlighting the significance of the event as a platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration. The participants later regrouped into science, engineering and business for their presentations and interactions.


A cross-section of participants at the 2nd IEEE Conference held at Landmark University.


The Vice-Chancellor of Landmark University, Professor Kolawole Ajanaku delivering his opening address at the 2nd IEEE Conference


The 2nd IEEE Conference Keynote Speaker, Professor Oludayo Olugbara delivering his address at the Conference.


The Chair of the 2nd IEEE Conference Organising Committee, Professor Ayodele Adebiyi giving his welcome address at the conference


Members of the University Management and the Keynote Speaker, Professor Olugbara together with other delegates from the Durban University of Technology South Africa at the 2nd IEEE Conference.




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