The entire Landmark community celebrated the 8th Founder’s Day  on March 21st, 2019 with gratitude to God, renewed commitment and unalloyed dedication to fully drive the agrarian vision of the Institution and attaining the world-class status. 

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju and some other members of Management toured the University’s newly completed projects for commissioning.  Leading the team, the he expressed his profound gratitude to the proprietor base and the Chancellor, Dr. David Oyedepo for his unflinching support and God’s blessings over the institution. He acknowledged the sacrifices and pro-activeness of the members of Management, Faculty, Staff and Students towards attaining the world-class status.

Professor Olayanju noted that eight indicates new beginning, thereby charging all members of the Community to be part of the season of increase on the University’s attainment of world-class status. The Vice-Chancellor, while speaking on the School’s giant strides over the past one year, revealed that Landmark has surpassed the records of previous years with the number of high impact publications in Scopus indexed journals. Professor Olayanju made it known that between January and March 2019, 61 research papers have been indexed in Scopus Data Base and that this feat he added could be attained only through the help of God.                                   

Some of the inspected projects include the Landmark Rice Processing Plant at the Commercial Farms. The plant which is solely fabricated by Faculty and Staff of the institution include a set of Thresher, An Air-Screen Cleaner, Parboiler, Soaking and Steaming Tank, A Grader, A Destoner as well as a rocured Rice Milling and Polishing Machine. Professor Olayanju, while at the plant, disclosed that the project when completed will serve the University community and general public. He added that the vision is to feed the Continent and Landmark will not rest on its oars until this is achieved. He, thereafter, eulogized the team of Engineers that worked on the project for making a mark through their innovation while admonishing others to emulate them. 

Another point of call was the Landmark Exhibition Centre where the University’s products would be displayed. Speaking at the centre, Vice-Chancellor stated that the Centre is in line with fulfilling the University’s goal of leading an agrarian revolution as various products and innovations, signposting the University’s breakthrough, would be displayed for the world to see. He said that the centre is a work in progress as it is going to be a cynosure of “agrorevolution”. 

The Vice-Chancellor later led the way to the various Billboards constructed around the Campus with the vision of the University “Enroute World-class Status” on them. According to him, the project is to reinforce the direction of the University in line with her vision statement. He noted the essense of having it all around the campus is to fulfil God’s instruction in Habakkuk 2:2 which says "write down the vision and make it plain on tablets so that a reader may run with it.” He added that they will stimulate individual and collective commitment towards its attainment. These vision signposts are erected at the University’s Roundabout, Teaching and Research Farm’s junction, and the 2nd College Building. Other projects are the University’s 2nd Gate under construction and the LUCAM centre to see the 150 horse power tractor under refurbishment.




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