In situating the kickoff of the Postgraduate programme for Landmark University in 31 fields of study in PGD, MBA, MSC and PHD as approved by the National Universities Commission (NUC), the Management of the University led by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju inaugurated the University’s Postgraduate School Board on 10th January, 2018.

While charging the Board during the inauguration ceremony, the Vice-Chancellor noted that the Board is saddled with the pivotal responsibility of monitoring and regulating processes involving admission, academic performance, research activities and graduation requirements of Postgraduate Students in the University. In his words, “The role of School of Postgraduate Studies in driving the vision of the University on a greater scale cannot be overemphasized. It is a critical platform for increasing student subscription, enhancing capacity building, encouraging mentorship and raising young Faculty as sustainable workforce in the University.” Professor Olayanju further averred that the School has a fundamental role to play in situating research priorities and demonstrating the University’s spearheading tendencies and techniques in providing solutions to societal challenges through postgraduate research productivity.

He appreciated the efforts of the working group and the collaborative support of the entire University community which earned the University favourable results culminating in the NUC approval for the commencement of a number of Postgraduate programmes. This move he added would go a long way in carving a niche for the University and promoting solution driven engagement in line with her agricultural revolution mandate. “I congratulate all the Board nominees and would like to charge you as privileged stewards to take very seriously all matters relating to Postgraduate studies bearing in mind that it is an elevated level where our assessment of commitment will be majorly based upon. It is your responsibility on behalf of Management to guide the operations of School of Postgraduate studies and make it worthy of emulation.”

In his acceptance speech, on behalf of other members, the Chairman of the Board, Professor Olushola Agbede stated that the responsibility committed to the Board would involve personal sacrifices. “As stakeholders we are committed to driving the vision and mission of the University. As global leaders we must continually engage in global conversations and practices.” He however enjoined members of the Board to rise above board to make the assignment distinct and not ordinary, as the University is not limited by location because its tentacles cover the globe.

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju during the inauguration of the Postgraduate Board

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju during the inauguration of the Postgraduate Board

The Chairman, Landmark University Postgraduate Board, Professor Olushola Agbede giving his acceptance speech

The Chairman, Landmark University Postgraduate Board, Professor Olushola Agbede giving his acceptance speech

Members of Management and the newly constituted Postgraduate Board

Members of Management and the newly constituted Postgraduate Board

Members of Management and the newly constituted Postgraduate Board in a group photograph

Members of Management and the newly constituted Postgraduate Board in a group photograph




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