Story of the week
On Friday, 1st April, 2016, the Friday Faculty Fellowship witnessed a presentation on “Feedback [as] a Process for Facilitating Learning” by the Director of Academic Planning of the University, Dr. R.F. Adebayo. The presentation was aimed at creating awareness for the value the University’s Management place on feedback and its importance to learning in order to enhance the students’ academic performance. Dr Adebayo said that feedback basically entails the information on the progress in the efforts to reach a goal, stating that it will enable an appraisal of the level of progress in the pursuit of such goal. She added that the University values feedback because of the reasons which include: to sustain her vision to become a world-class institution, to subscribe to one of the best practices leading to academic excellence, to know the types of students the University is grooming and to ascertain the value of graduates the University is producing. She implored the faculty to place a premium on the subject and make their feedback presentation descriptive, accessible, timely and unambiguous in a way that will not pose a threat to students. She noted that feedback lead to “feedforward” and general enhancement of academic performance. She therefore proposed that since assessments are reformative and examinations judgemental, Faculty should prioritize assessment and devise means of students’ assessment and reassessment to cater for their deficiencies and prepare them for a well-attempted examination, and that students should be encouraged to hold group discussions among others. This sensitization is therefore believed to foster more enabling environment for the learning process in the University that will translate to the desirable academic performance of the students across all levels.
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Story of the week