No fewer than 25 teachers from over 10 secondary schools in Omu-Aran and its environs participated in this year’s Landmark University training workshop for secondary school teachers, themed “Innovative Teacher: The Use of ICT in Enhancing Teaching and Learning” on Thursday 30th March 2023. 

Declaring the event open, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charity Aremu expressed joy over the event which she said was towards fulfilling the community impact mandate of the university. She noted that ICT has become a major prerequisite of advancement in today’s world, noting that lack of ICT knowledge is synonymous with backwardness. While enthusing the teacher to see the training as one that would not only push forward their knowledge base but also make them relevant in their world, she emphasized that the students who are a very great fraction of the youth population are ICT savvy, hence the need to embrace the training. She, therefore, congratulated the participants for attending the paradigm-shifting training and thanked the College of Pure and Applied Sciences for organizing the programme. She also appreciated the proprietor base for creating an enabling platform to reach out to the community.

Emphasizing the need for the teachers to always update and advance their knowledge base, the Registrar, Mr Olusola Oyinloye noted that “every day is a learning day and any day that goes without something to learn is a wasted day.” He further said that the teaching approach in contemporary times is not the same as what was obtained 30 years ago. He expressed confidence in the training programme to enhance the teachers’ knowledge and add value not only to them but also to the students they teach. He, therefore, welcomed them on behalf of the management of the University while also thanking them for honouring the University’s invitation thereby extending the impact of the University to the larger public.

The Dean of the College of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor Ayodele Adebiyi while stressing the importance of such a programme implored the teachers to embrace the knowledge that would enhance their operations as teachers. He noted that ICT drives the world now more than ever before and it has become more compelling for all to embrace it, especially since the COVID-19 breakout. He mentioned that the swift switch to leverage the opportunities in ICT during the pandemic in this part of the world was a result of already existing knowledge. He, therefore, encouraged them to be open-minded as the ICT training programme was designed to enhance their knowledge base and prepare them ahead of future engagements. He said further that the test conducted for the teachers had highlighted the areas of attention of the individuals which include Excel, PowerPoint, and data analysis with Python, amongst others. 

The training workshop commenced and exposed the participants to ICT tools that would enhance their delivery as teachers. The teachers expressed appreciation to the organizer and the university management for the initiative and its impact on them viz-a-viz quality teaching service delivery in their respective schools. 

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The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charity Aremu declaring the secondary school teachers’ training workshop open

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The Registrar, Mr Olushola Oyinloye welcoming participants to the secondary school teachers’ training workshop

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The Chairman of the Programme Planning Committee, Dr Moses Abiodun thanking the University management and the participants for making the training a success.

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Rear row: A cross-section of participants at the training workshop for secondary school teachers

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A group photograph of members of management and the organizing committee of the training workshop for secondary school teachers.


A group photo of the Landmark University management and the participants of the secondary school teachers’ training workshop 




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