It was an elating sight to behold on 7th January 2019, as Faculty and staff of the University gathered at the Multipurpose Hall to hold the Opening Assembly after the yuletide. The meeting held in an atmosphere of jubilations and thanks to God for bringing all back from journies made during the break.

After a brief announcement by the Registrar, Dr. James Ndako, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju said that he was glad to welcome all Faculty and Staff to the campus following the short Christmas and Alpha Semester Break in 2018/2019 academic session. “We appreciate God for His love, faithfulness and protection over our lives all through the Break, noting His mercies that saw us through our journeys back to our amazing campus. I am confident that you are truly refreshed for fresh vision-driven actions in the New Year. I trust God for the release of the spirit of faith on LMU community in bringing to reality a fulfillment of Dominion Prophecy with respect to Agrarian Revolution mandate of the University.” 

Citing the book of Ecclesiastes, “there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1), he noted that this is the time for the consolidation on the exciting leaps the University graciously took last semester, hoping the grace of the Yuletide break and Dominion Prophecy were ample enough for all to deploy greater efforts in Omega Semester for a surpassing result. 

The Vice-Chancellor stressed that the University would not compromise her continuous improvement stance in all facets of her operations, as it is expedient that all put preference on cooperation above competition, and corporate goals above personal interest for speedy actualization of the University’s goal. 

“In unity we stand should continuously be our watchword as exemplified last semester in our publication drive, so that our efforts be doubled to yield multiple fold results, which is attainable in our context, where we receive as much as we can see and hold in hand as much as what our heart can conceive. In the strength of togetherness we recorded Over 200 Scopus indexed publications last year at the time of closing assembly. I am confident that we are more than able also in harmony, diligence and faith to double this feat in the year of our Dominion 2019.”

He, therefore welcomed all afresh into the New Year filled with awesome opportunities for demonstration of the divine and declared Dominion as well as limitless breakthroughs, which he emphasized, shall all be maximized by the grace of God.




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