Active and Sustainable partnership with time is an adventure to success Chancellor Reveals During 2024 2025 Executive Advance

In furtherance of the drive for academic excellence and leadership development, Landmark University closed the 2024/2025 Executive Advance for faculty and staff with another empowerment session with the Chancellor, Dr David Oyedepo. The Chancellor, in his characteristic wisdom, delivered an enlightening lecture titled "The Man Called Time," leaving the audience with a profound understanding of the value of time in the pursuit of success. 

Drawing parallels between time and a swift-moving individual, the Chancellor emphasized that time is a force to be reckoned with. He highlighted that understanding the nature of time is crucial to navigating life successfully. "Time is a fast man," he asserted, "and it has zero tolerance for patience. We have no choice but to catch up with it."

The Chancellor further expounded on the concept of time as a valuable business partner and a faithful ally. He emphasized that every worthwhile endeavour requires time to bear fruit. "Time is the foundation of all things," he stated. "It has the power to elevate, transform lives, and turn ordinary individuals into stars."

"Every man has time and needs to engage it for success," the Chancellor declared, pointing out that the equality of time lies in the fact that every individual is given the same 24 hours daily. Yet, the difference between success and failure often stems from how one chooses to engage or abuse this powerful asset. “Most failures are victims of the abuse of the personality of time,” he remarked, warning that while time itself is harmless, it can cause untold hardship when disrespected or misused. "No one continues to abuse time and succeeds," he cautioned.

The Chancellor also highlighted the immutable nature of time. “Time never fails anyone,” he said, explaining that while people often fail time, the reverse is never true. Time, he noted, is devoid of feelings and indifferent to one’s circumstances, rewarding only those who work in harmony with its demands. 

The Chancellor concluded his address by emphasizing the significance of using knowledge to drive action. "What we know does not change us," he stated. "It is what we do with what we know that truly matters."

The Chancellor's lecture immensely inspired the university community to reflect on their relationship with time and the potential for personal and professional growth. As the Executive Advance continued, participants were eager to apply the insights gained from the Chancellor's address to their own lives and work.


A cross-section of members of management, faculty and staff of the university at the 2024/2025 Executive Advance


A cross-section of members of faculty and staff of the university at the 2024/2025 Executive Advance




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