Story of the week
The sound of celebration engulfed Landmark University community on the 27th September, 2018 as the Chancellor, Dr. David Oyedepo turns 64 years. In commemorating the day, the Management led by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju joined by the University community commissioned Landmark University Centre for Agricultural Mechanization (LUCAM), Hydroponics Centre and Weather Station in the Teaching and Research Farm.
In his address, the Vice-Chancellor expressed his excitement while welcoming the University community to the auspicious gathering for the purpose of commissioning of the three major projects, which he described as strategic to asserting the operational efficiency and world class trend compliance of the University. “In line with her visionary mandate of driving a cutting edge agricultural revolution, the University Management brought to bear innovative ideas and technological modernization procedures aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity. In consciousness of prudence and spirit of collectivity, Landmark University Centre for Agricultural Mechanization (LUCAM) was created with an oversight functions on the inventory, maintenance and accountability of the pool of tractors, farm implements and prototype equipment in the University.”
He reiterated that the Centre would house the Tractor Utilization and Hiring Unit; Prototype Machine Development Unit, Technology Incubation Unit; Digital Fabrication Unit and Renewable Energy Unit, as this would harness the University’s resources towards promoting efficient and effective use of the machines with the capacity to improve the IGR base of the University.
Recognizing also, that hydroponic technology embraced by the University has been widely explored, culminating in procurement and use of more screen houses with impressive crops harvested and rolled out to the public, joining the list of safe farm products from Landmark University. Beyond research purpose, hydroponics has been further explored by the University in the area of Agripreneurship in which students are exposed to about ten different methods of hydroponic technology.
Professor Olayanju recognized the crucial role of the meteorological factors in driving sustainable agriculture, most especially for Landmark University, in addition to owning an Automatic Weather Station a state of the art benefit donation from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) to drive Precision Agriculture for the University community. “NIMET is reputed for providing weather, climate and water information for sustainable development and safety. With this additional station, the meteorological variables and weather parameters of the University and environs are assessed to produce useful information that will impact on the economy of Nigeria in the areas of agriculture, energy, environment, health, transportation and water resources. It is expected that the negative impact of climate change will be reduced by the scientific application of meteorological information for planning and decision-making in the areas that are sensitive to weather.”
He said the three lofty projects among others were being commissioned to specially honor the Visioner of Landmark University, Dr. David Oyedepo, whose 64th birthday is being celebrated worldwide today. He added that Landmark University, being the brain child of the celebrant, feels honored to be associated with his footprints in the sand of time which is symbolic of Warren Bennis’ postulation of a good leader with “the capacity to translate vision into reality”. Our Chancellor has exemplified John C. Maxwell’s perception of leadership, which is “not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing another”.
“To us as a people positively influenced by the celebrant’s continuous selfless investment in humanity, he is a rare gift to human race. We are therefore glad to join the network of beneficiaries of his noble deed to congratulate him on his birthday and wish him not only long life, but also that the life of his years ahead will continue to count and impact the society. In recognition of his impact and honor of his 64th birthday, we humbly dedicate these projects to the glory of God and service of humanity, as we hereby commission these projects in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.”
Speaking earlier, the Director, LUCAM, Engineer Aniyi Olanrewaju appreciated God for inspiration and management for the confidence repose on him to pilot the affairs of the Centre. He said the Centre has a mandate provide strategic action plan to improve the operation of the Commercial Farm and the boosting of its IGR base, offer technical and professional support and ensure efficient oversight function at the Teaching, Research and Commercial Farms, Directorate of Physical Planning and Development, thereby rousing their management’s consciousness towards IGR drive in the areas of production, packaging and marketing amongst others. He added that the Management lay down the mandate and the Centre has the responsibility to run with it.
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju giving his address during the commissioning
The Registrar, Dr. Azubuike Ezenwoke welcoming the University community to the commissioning of LUCAM
The Director, LUCAM, Engineer Aniyi Olanrewaju giving a brief on how LUCAM operates
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju commissioning LUCAM
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju commissioning the Hydroponics Center
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju explaining how hydroponics works after the commissioning
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju commissioning the Weather Station
Members of management, staff and faculty having an exciting time after the commissioning of the Weather Station
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju test running one of the tractors
Tractors at the newly commissioned LUCAM
(in white) The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju in a group photograph with LUCAM officers and others from VCs Office
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Story of the week