On Friday, 15th January 2020, the Chancellor and Chairman, Board of Regents of Landmark University, Dr David O. Oyedepo, stirred the University community towards the actualisation of the agrarian vision at the Faculty and Staff Executive Advance for the 2020/2021 Academic Session, saying that every vision demands a run for delivery. While noting that the University’s agrarian vision was divinely directed during his first presentation titled “In Pursuit of Vision, Engaging the Power of Discretion”, the Chancellor enthused that there must be a conscious plan to take its delivery engaging the power of discretion. The Chancellor gave scriptural examples of individuals who had to run with divine plan for delivery. These included amongst others Abraham – Gen. 12:1-3(4), Moses – Exo. 3:7-10/ Exo. 4:19-20, Peter – Luk 5:8-9/10-11, Paul – Gal. 1:15/16. “Everyone that wants to see any Vision fulfilled must have to embark on a Run. No one ever wins a Prize in a Race without Pressing. No one goes forward in life without taking steps. No one makes progress without taking steps,” he noted. 

Explaining discretion, the Chancellor said discretion is a platform for growth, advancement and expansion, saying that vision is defined by discretion and without it, a vision may die. “Discretion gives value to vision. Vision without discretion will lead to frustration. God gives the vision but leaves the approach to man to decide. Every enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts.” 

The Chancellor went further to reveal that discretion has its source in God referencing Genesis 41:15-16/38-40/ and Isaiah 28:26, 48:17. He, therefore, enthused that the University community should seek God for wisdom and discretion required to deliver the agrarian vision of the University. 

In furtherance of his call for a rededication of faculty and staff of the University to the visionary drive of the institution, the Chancellor made other presentations on leadership titled, “The Making of a Leader, A Stakeholder’s Perspective” and “Understanding the Art of Leadership” to conscientize them on their roles in the actualisation of the vision. He noted that there is leadership seed in every child of God and this implies that anybody can become a leader if he is willing to give the demands of leadership.  

The Chancellor concluded his presentation with an impartation session on the grace for discretion upon all faculty and staff to make the most of their engagement of the vision of the University




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