Story of the week
On Friday, 6th July 2018, Landmark University signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) Benin City to undertake collaborative oil palm research and provide experiential learning opportunities to students of the University towards the actualization of her agrarian revolution vision. Being a mutually beneficial relationship, both institutions have the opportunity to collaborate and exchange expertise in common areas of interest and allows for the exchange of academics staff and ideas.
The agreement was signed by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju, the Dean of College of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Charity Aremu, the Executive Director, NIFOR, Dr. Charles Aisagbonhi and Director of Administration and Secretary to the Institute, Barrister E. Ujadugele.
At the signing ceremony, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju, reiterated the position the University occupies in Nigeria’s education landscape as the pioneer private agriculture-based University. He said the vision of the University accommodates relevant partnerships towards its actualization, noting the tremendous strides the University has made in collaborations with value-adding organizations and government agencies of good reputes. He mentioned that the University’s collaboration with CAVA II has moved to the stage of having a 4-hectare demonstration farm of cassava which was a good step in furtherance of the frontiers of the revolution in agriculture. He said the University is forward-looking in her commitment to actualizing this vision.
While giving his remarks, the Executive Director, NIFOR, Dr. Aisagbonhi said: “We are delighted to collaborate with this great University. NIFOR has the mandate to undertake research in oil palm, coconut, date palm, shea tree, raphia palm and jojoba. This MOU will open opportunities for joint research in the areas of our mandate. We are also making Landmark University a substation of the Institute. We will not only have a sales point but also a demonstration farm where we will be distributing our products to farmers. This MoU also captures the establishment of seed garden of our mandate crops where we will have a genetic exchange of materials. We will definitely be able by the grace of God to have the small-scale processing mills of the institute established here in Landmark University,” he added.
The Director explained that the collaboration will unfold all the opportunities in batches for proper evaluation and monitoring. In the Director’s entourage was the Director/Head of Extension Agricultural Economics, NIFOR, Dr. Segun Solomon.
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adeniyi Olayanju, while giving his welcome remarks before the signing of the MoU
The Executive Director, NIFOR, Dr. Charles Aisagbonhi while giving his remarks before the signing of the MoU
Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding - (L-R) the Dean of College of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Charity Aremu, the Vice-Chancellor, Profess
Displaying the signed Memorandum of Understanding - (L-R) the Dean of College of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Charity Aremu, the Vice-Chancellor,
University representatives at the event
A group photograph of members of the Landmark University and NIFOR
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Story of the week