Between Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th January 2022, Landmark University held the 2021/2022 Executive Advance tagged “Towards the Attainment of Global  Relevance through Impactful Teaching, Sustainable Product- Oriented and Community Service” for members of faculty and senior staff of the University with a view to setting direction towards the realization of the vision of the University. The Chancellor, Dr David Oyedepo, in his opening presentation on the first day titled “Towards Leadership Development”, charged the academic community on taking responsibility to maximize their God-given resources with a particular emphasis on engaging the unlimited power of thinking towards solutions generation and sustainable productivity. While noting that “Thinkers rule the world”, the Chancellor expounded the significance of time management in order to have productive engagement in their various fields. He noted that “focused engagement” is the requirement to make the most of their time and therefore cautioned them to beware of distractions that could hinder their career. “Stay where you belong! That’s where your dignity and honor is. There are too many talkers and teachers without solution. In my view, the whole essence of university education is to empower man to think solutions. It is interesting to note that most scientific investors were committed and robust thinkers,” he charged. 

In furtherance of his view, the Chancellor asserted that, “It is same brain, organs, content and potential we possess, no man is inferior to another. Show me a committed thinker and I will show you another leader and solution provider in making. Only men who can think through the unthinkable can dare the undarable and move the immovable. 

“It is in active engagement of the brain that makes thinkers. The greatest treasure we trade in the world is knowledge and wisdom. As a born again, our system is upgraded and operate from the mind of Christ. Your aim should be locating more facts that will give you a space in the university. It is time for us in this part of the world to start thinking the unthinkable in a bid to proffer solution to our different burdening problems,” he concluded.

Other presentations by the Chancellor include “Dynamics of leadership from a bottom-up module” and “Impartation of the spirit of might” which closed the three days advanced programme. 

The Pro-Chancellor, Pastor Faith Oyedepo in her presentation titled “Dynamics of Spirituality for Work Success” emphasized constant examination of one’s level of spiritual as well as conscience to be successful in one’s work. Drawing a connection between one’s spirituality and conscience, the Pro-Chancellor said that the conscience is the aspect of man that only man and God can relate with, noting that until it is renewed in Christ, there will not be any significant life transformation.

Earlier, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charity Aremu had emphasized the essence of the programme, saying that it was designed not only to propel the instinct and passion for pursuing excellence in the individual participant but also establish a long-lasting academic institution that will continue to rank among notable global universities. “The staff executive advancement has been a valuable platform for the University to express her beliefs, ambitions, and drive directions,” she added. She assured members of the community of robust outing that would culminate in their reorientation towards quality service delivery. “In this 3-day Executive Advance, We are going to be listening to presentations from some identified persons in our midst more especially from the Visionary lenses of the Chancellor and Chairman, Board of Regents of this great University, Dr David Oyedepo, the Pro-Chancellor and the Director, IGR of CU, Dr (Mrs) Love Ogah. We will be receiving a new focus and refocusing our minds, attention and understanding on the Vision, spirituality, leadership, academic and administrative skills needed for the pursuit of global relevance and of course enlistment in the scroll of world class universities,” she said.

The Registrar, Miss Fola Oyinloye, also noted while welcoming members of faculty and staff to the Advance that, the annual advance is organized to “appraise, know what and who we are, bearing in mind the need to enhance productivity”. She, therefore, implored participants to be open-minded in their approach to the sessions, promising to be beneficial. 

Aside the general sessions facilitated by the Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor, other sessions for the entire academic community included: “Biblical principles for health and wholeness” – Chaplain, Pastor T. Omotunbi; “Tackling prevailing insecurity: maintaining a resilient security structure in Landmark University” – Chair Security Comm., Engr D. Egbune.  

The participants were later divided into two groups of academic and non-academic staff for further sessions. The various presentations and panel discussions for the academic staff included: “Grantsmanship for propelling Landmark Mission of attaining global relevance” – Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor C. Aremu; and “Promoting ethical practices and conduct in a world-class university” – Registrar, Miss F. Oyinloye; “Leveraging SCIVAL tools for trending research focus” – Professor O. Adeyemi; “Avoiding research and publication pitfalls in a digital dynamic world” – Professor B. Adebesin; “Impactful and measurable community initiatives for sustainable development” – DCOE, Professor J. Ojediran; “Enhancing our research and teaching focus in SDGs” – DUWC, Dr. A. Lawal; “Strategies for improving Landmark’s research reputations” – DLUCRID, Dr A. Adediran; ”Attracting sustainable partnerships and collaborations” – Dr A. Taiwo; “Driving Landmark research and industry partnership” – HOD, Agric., Dr H. Adekiya; “Bridging the gaps in research income and research reputation” – HOD, Computer Sci., Dr M. Adebiyi; ”Balancing conference and journal publications” – Dr A. Adeleke; ”Closing the gaps between research publication and grant winning” – Dr C. Onate; ”Harnessing the power of proofreading” – Dr S. Akanmode, amongst others.

On the other hand, the non-academic staff also had the following sessions which included: “NTS new career paths: facilitating professionalism, skill enhancement and prospect for focused growth along career paths” – University & BOR Secretary, Pastor Frederick Aghahuwa; “Understanding requisite administrative etiquettes for the 21st century university workforce” – Registrar, Miss F. Oyinloye; “Maximizing opportunities for internal generated revenue through non-school fees platform” – Director, IGR, CU, Dr L. Ogah; ”Leveraging world-class maintenance cultures for asset durability: the roles of end users” – DPPD, Engr O. Daodu; “Driving effective data management for reference and confidentiality” – DCSIS, Mr O. Matiluko; “In-loco parentis, imperative for a better student experience” – Professor B. Adebesin; “Global best practices in laboratory and equipment management” – DAP, Dr S. Adebiyi; “Team dynamics for robust productive outputs” – HOD, Microbiology, Dr J. Ndako; “Essential 21st century communication tools for workplace effectiveness” – HOD, Business Administration, Dr F. Peters; “Engaging social and emotional intelligence as tools for successful service delivery” – SARVCO/HCPA, Mr O. Olajide; “Managing a world-class university infrastructure: commitment to quality, safety and maintenance culture” – Engr O. Atoyebi.




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